Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Cream Stay Young!

Cream Stay Young! made from the best oils for the skin: argan, - jojoba,- wheat germ, - avocado- oils.
Also I used Sodium Hyaluronate and learned more about this salt of hyaluronic acid.
When applied to the skin Sodium Hyaluronate greatly improves the skin’s absorption and retention of water. This leads to an increased elasticity of the skin, and hence a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. So, we will Stay Young!
Lamecreme helps to keep the cream stable. INCI: Glyceryl Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate. Origin: Vegetable,  extracted from palm oil, palm kernel oil, sunflower oil, glycerin, and citric acid.
As the antioxidant I used Grapefruit Seed Extract which is a good conservant and protects skin from free radicals. As mentioned on the website http://www.gnet.org/fight-infection-naturally-with-grapefruit-seed-extract/: Grapefruit seed extract is made from the seeds, pulp and peel of grapefruits, to create a very bitter solution. The solution is concentrated to such a low, acidic pH that it is has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and even anti-viral properties.  This is because acid breaks down the outer membranes of these tiny organisms, dissolving their structure, and killing them quickly and easily.

P.S.: Hmm ... the information from the source http://chemicaloftheday.squarespace.com/most-controversial/2010/1/27/the-truth-about-grapefruit-seed-extract.html creates my doubts about puur natural ingedients of Grapefruit Seed Extract.

Monday, April 08, 2013

My products based on the birch sap

I learn more about birch sap qualities and decide to make the birch shampoo soap (solid shampoo).
Light green pigment reminds spring and color of young birch leaves.

Also I found the recipe of the birch vinegar and will wait approximately 2 months untill it is ready:

- 2 l birch sap
- 100g wodka
- 40g honey

Not needed to explain that both products will be used to wash and rinse hair.

Frozen birch sap is the best cosmetic ice.
This cosmetic ice has a beneficial effect on the skin due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals that are contained in the birch sap in the colloidal state, thereby ensuring their almost complete assimilation by skin. I can say that my skin loves this treatment.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Birch tears

After a long, cold winter the first signs of spring would have been welcome - sweet, nutritious Birch Sap. It is the essence, the life-blood, of the tree, carrying nutrients essential for growth. Birch sap is also a great source of vitamins, minerals and sugars – mainly fructose and glucose. Vitamins and minerals include potassium, manganese, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, sodium, iron, amino acids and Vitamin C – perfect for fending off spring colds.
The birch sap is very valuable product that influences well on the whole human organism. It helps to overcome the winter weakness, depressions and distractions. The birch sap also increases the resistive ability from infectious diseases and has the diuretic and other good effects because of its composition from organic acids, minerals and vitamins.
The birch soap shows positive effect in case of protection against oxidative stress on skin cells. Observed effects indicate that birch sap could be included in anti-ageing cosmetic formulations. Research showed positive effects on deeper layers of skin: increased elasticity of skin due to formation of new collagen. (http://www.pcccl.lv/f/uploads/PCCCL_P26.1_Abstracts.pdf)
That is the main reason why we were to collect the gift on the NATURE -  “birch tears” and I am looking forward to use it for:
- my skin as the natural lotion,
- for my hair as the natural conditioner,
- for new formula of my natural soap.

Birch sap should be consumed quickly and stored at refrigerator temperature. The sap can be frozen and I made ice blocks to use them later.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Elixir for dry hair

Dry hair looks dull and can become easily split at the ends. Therefore, we want essential oils for hair that stimulate the sebaceous glands in the scalp to produce more oil!
My Elixir for dry hair contents the carrier oils:

- 20 ml argan oil,
- 20 ml jojoba oil,
- 10 ml avacodo oil
- essential oils: lavender and sandalwood.

I would like to create the natural shampoo to avoid contact with not friendly chemical ingredients as Propylene Glycol, Oleyl Betaine, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Laureth Sulfate. These ingredients causes dry hair, rashes, dry skin and skin irritation. There is still a lot to learn!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Vanilla macerate and lip balm

The macerates are a particular contact process between virgin oil (as a solvent) and seeds, leaves or plant extracts (as a solid).
To create the vanilla macerate (vanilla infused oil)  I use 4 vanilla beans cutted into small pieces and 200 ml of sweet almond oil. The mixture stays on warm sunny place 4-6 weeks and should be daily shacked. It smells incredibly tasty, I love this smell! What a pity that we can't share the smell on-line...
The macerate has been successful used for the sugar scrub and lip balm.

Ingredients for the lip balm:

- 15 g shea butter
- 4g beeswax
- 30g vanilla macerate
- 6 drops of es.oil: sweet orange.